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Image by Michael


registered migration agents

Looking to Migrate to Australia?

At Migrationburo we offer practical professional Australian migration advice 

Anyone who wishes to make Australia their home deserves the best possible support from a reliable and experienced migration partner. We are committed to providing comprehensive services to take care of all your visa and immigration needs.

MigrationBuro work with individuals and families to navigate the many  types of visas to ensure the best migration strategy is identified and a complete application is lodged. Whether it is a Skilled Visa, Business Visa, a family visa such as Parent, Partner or Child or student or graduate visa MigrationBuro will be able to give you the best practical advice. Please complete the assessment for the best honest frank advice 


Corporate  Immigration

Recruiting and maintaining excellent personnel is an important goal for most Australian businesses. We understand Australian businesses must frequently look beyond our borders to recruit the finest and brightest employees, which is where MigrationBuro Corporate Solutions come in. Our staff are committed to assisting businesses to navigate the complex world of Australian immigration law and finding the talented people they require to fuel their success. MigrationBuro can help with all your corporate immigration needs.


Migration our passion

MigrationBuro is founded and led by Andrew Heathcote, a registered migration agent with over 15 years of experience in all immigration procedures. 

Family in Airport

Experience the peace of mind that comes with expert migration advice.

MigrationBuro can be contacted by phone or email our through our General Enquiry form. MigrationBuro is also accessible via social media such as Facebook, Linkedin. Please Contact us with your migration enquiry

With our expertise, knowledge and dedication to your migration success. We take the stress out of the migration process. Complete our assessment and begin your journey to making Australia your new home.


Modern Work Space

What our clients think... 

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